Sunday 3 June 2018


Dilon Ki Kahaani Labzon Ki Zubaani 


1) GOD does not forces you to have faith in HIM , but when you do then do not allow yourself to have doubts on what HE has decided for you. You might ask for something and you don't even know that HE has already written better for you.

2) Be a personality with whom everyone wish to talk , share and like to be with. Get out of your reserved nature. Be the person everyone wants to. No matter how much problems you are into but don't let anyone know with that charming face , so that others receive vibes of positivity from you.

3) Always respect your parents. Give them the position and love they deserve , throughout your life. They might get angry when they are even wrong , but you do not give wrong prompt reactions. Cause you know once they realise with time and stable mind , they will give you the most beautiful affection and care in this world.

4) Have patience at every step. Make wise decision. If you get stuck up , can't decide what to do , just leave everything  on the ALL MIGHTY. Just say I Surrender. Trust me you ll feel relief. But do not be impatient and also do not give immediate reactions, cause A moment of patience in the moment of anger or sadness , can save you from loads of regretful moments.

5) When you decide to do something ,means once you decide to take a certain path in your life, just don't affect yourselves with failures. You just give your best and do not worry about the results. Just make sure that there should not be a time where you doubt on your preparation or the hardwork done, cause this will make you give your best shot. And then do not worry with outcomes , cause GOD will automatically lead you towards HIS desired directions. DO NOT GIVE UP.

6) Gift a smile. Just do good with others and for others. Spread happiness in this cruel world and be the symbol of love for everyone. Don't hurt anyone. Do not treat anyone as stranger and help others as much as you can. Do not allow your mind to discriminate between poor and rich, animals or human beings , just help everyone. It is definite and true that what you do, comes back to you.

7) Try to get the hidden intentions of others. Cause when you know about intentions of others, you automatically understand what he/she wants to display. This will clear all the misunderstandings when you just make yourself stand in other's position and mind. 

8) Keep yourself fit and healthy both physically and mentally. This is a major fact of bringing positivity in oneself. Take good care of your health cause you don't live only for yourself but for your close ones too.

9) Be any kind of relationship : Mother and child; Best friends: Husband and wife; Sister and Brother; Boyfriend and Girlfriend or any , do not let the love ,care and affection go away with time and/or distance. Diseases like communication gap, hesitation to initiate the talk, etc brings that unwanted fadeness and misunderstandings out of nowhere into those beautiful bonds. Just do not stop bringing those efforts to increase love in it , even when your partner is not able to. 

10) If you have a dream, chase it. If you are passionate about something , do not leave it. Just do all those things you love to do and you get happy to do,  where only one condition exists that it should not harm others and yourself too .



Dilon Ki Kahaani Labzon Ki Zubaani   7 Ek parivaar mai 4 married bhai hote hai. Family ki condition achchi hoti hai mtlb kisi ch...